
Drew Neirin is a professional musician, soul singer, and singer songwriter, currently residing in Bath, Somerset.

Drew's work and musical connections are extensive. An established recording artist, producer and promoter, he is regularly producing new music and supporting live music. His YouTube show "You, Drew and a Song or 2" becamse a radio show, then a podcast, and now Drew has returned it to its beginnings, on YouTube once again. Drew is committed to helping promote independent musicians, and he organises and hosts live music for different venues and events featuring a wide range of musicians and genres. Most of all, he loves playing live himself, whether solo, as a duo with his wife Marie, or with his band The Star Shaped Pegs.

Drew is one of the principal founders of MPB - Musicians and Promoters of Bath. Click on the link to find out more about that.


People struglle the name! It's actually Drew's middle name, being the name of a Welsh speaking poet from antiquity. And it's pronounced Nye (as in "bye") - Rin (as in Rin Tin Tin). 😀 Find out about all the music Drew is involved with using the links below, where you can listen to his music, check out his upcoming gigs, or follow all the live music promotions he manages.

If you want to get straight to Drew you can also contact him directly.

You, Drew...


Drew's Gigs
